SharePoint conferences Best Practice Conferences, Connections, SPTechCon

SharePoint Conferences, Best Practice Conferences, Connections, SPTechCon and Tech Eds Oh My!

If you're looking at this next calendar year and trying to decide what conference to go to you've got a daunting task ahead of you. Sooo many good choices! I've had this post in draft and have been planning on putting out my calendar... Essentially after I saw Dave Pae put out conference list, I realized I had a lot of things on my calendar... Here's what I'm aware of, plus more.

I see the first official mention of a SharePoint Conference in 2009. I also see the link to sign up to find out about the SharePoint Conference 2009 is on the site. I guess we can rule out that this conference will NOT be before Tech Ed. I can't speculate, but I do recommend getting on this email list.


SharePoint Related Conferences

SharePoint Technology Conference
January 27–29, 2009: Burlingame, CA
For three exciting days in January, you'll be eating, drinking, sleeping, talking and living Microsoft Office SharePoint Server and Windows SharePoint Services. The first day at SPTechCon is filled with intense full and half-day workshops, half in the morning, half in the afternoon. The next two days are filled with more than 50 break-out classes to choose from. Build your own custom program! This conference is hosted by BZ Media LLC. Line up includes Tom as keynote. Speakers include many MVPs and leaders including Shane Young, Todd Klindt, and Nicola Young, John Ross, and Mike Watson.

SharePoint Best Practices Conference
February 2–4, 2009: San Diego, CA
The SharePoint Best Practices Conference eliminates design, deploy, organization and administration confusion, replacing disorder with Clarity, Direction and Confidence. This conference is hosted by Mindsharp. Keynote, Joel Oleson. This line up is MOST impressive: Ben Curry, Mike Watson, Bill English, Bob Fox, Bob Mixon.... I already did a post on this best practices conference.

2009 SharePoint .Org Conference

March 22-24: Baltimore, MD

For Associations and Not for Profit Organizations, SharePoint Conference for networking and education networking

Sharepoint Connections -- Dev Connections Spring 2009

March 22-25, Orlando FL

Ritz Carlton & JW Marriott - Penton Media. 150+ Sessions from Microsoft, MVPs, and more. I'll be giving a couple sessions in the IT and Leadership track.

European SharePoint Best Practices Conference

April 6-8 2009:

London, UK. Hosted by Combined Knowledge. This is sure to be the best SharePoint related Conference in Europe, this year. It already has an amazing speaker line up. This conference was just announced this week, and hey, I am Keynote! Woohoo! Check out the killer line up of the SharePoint greats. Steve Smith MVP, Spence MVP, Mike Watson (X MSFT), Todd Bleeker MVP, Andrew Connell MVP, Penny Coventry MVP, Bob Fox MVP, Andrew Woodward MVP, Natalya Voskresenskaya MVP (Blogger think Squirrel)
Montreal SharePoint Summit

April 6-8: Montreal, Canada


Third annual SharePoint summit. Speakers include Errin O'Connor, Mike Fitzmaurice, and Bill English
Conferences that will have lots of SharePoint Sessions

Microsoft FASTforward '09 (SEARCH+)
February 9–11, 2009: Las Vegas, NV
3 days of compelling discussion on the evolving business environment and how search is enabling companies to succeed. This conference is hosted by Microsoft. (Text from SharePoint Team blog)

Microsoft MIX09 (WEB+)
March 18-20, 2009: Las Vegas, NV
Now in its fourth year, MIX is a unique technology conference that connects web professionals with industry thought leaders to explore the future of the Web together. This conference is hosted by Microsoft. There are usually a few SharePoint Conferences, but you'll see a lot of other .NET and Social Networking sites.

Microsoft Tech·Ed North America 2009

May 11-15: Los Angeles, Convention Center

"Seventeenth year as the best technical education and networking event in the industry."

Tech Ed Global

You can navigate to the other Teched's through the WW drop down in the corner. My favorites are South East Asia, NZ, and Australia.

More SharePoint Details Coming soon... TEC - The Experts Conference (Exchange, AD and Identity, Las Vegas - Spring, Berlin - Fall)
Free Conferences SharePoint Saturday and Code Camps:

Virginia Beach SharePoint Saturday

Jan 10: Joel Oleson, Michael Lotter, Paul Galvin, Mark Miller (Free community event) - Yep I'll be there.

NYC SharePoint in the Real World, Imagine Event (SharePoint Saturday)

Jan 21: NYC (Many partners)

Kansas City SharePoint Saturday

Feb 7 - Free event. Still in the planning stages

South Florida Code Camp

Code Camp is a FREE one day GEEK FEST held on Saturday February 7, 2009

Boise Code Camp

March 28th, 2009
Twin Cities Code Camp

April 4, 2009